You have a file ready for printing?

A wide and diverse 3D printing world. From printing methods to raw material types, there are a number of decisions that are important to make right. We will guide you from the planning stage to the execution phase with some guidelines. When combining knowledge planning with technology, we can achieve more accurate results.

We are here to help you create the best fit for your projects.

Step 1

File uploading

Step 2

Printing method

Step 3

Raw material

Step 4

Layer thickness

Step 5

Fill in details

Filament Printing

Yarn printing - FDM

In this method, plastic is passed through a heated injection head that removes a fine wire and draws layer by layer. Inside the print head the plastic wire heats up and goes into gel accumulation mode. The model is built from the bottom up and the material cools and hardens during printing on the surface. The size of the surface and the volume of the printer sets the maximum size for printing.

Resin/Polyjet Printing

Fluid printing - SLA

The oldest 3D printing system that has been in existence for about 25 years. This method uses a photopolymer-type liquid that becomes solid in light exposure. Laser rays or projectors solidify the liquid layer after layer. A very accurate model with clear details is obtained when the result can also be transparent and smooth.

Powder Printing

Powder printing - SLS

In this method the models are constructed from raw material that comes in powder form. The machine places about 80 micron thick layers in a heated closed compartment. Depending on the technology, either a heart beam or an injection head hardens the powder in each layer until a final product is obtained. After cooling the cell, the objects can be extracted from the surrounding powder and final cleaned.

Another explanation of the finishing method and technology

Powder printing - SLS

Very accurate
As quantity increases the price per unit decreases
Suitable for creating a final product
Large print volume
Suitable for areas such as engineering, design, architecture, robotics, education and more.

Fluid printing - SLA

Very accurate
More expensive
Medical and transparent materials
Small print volume
Suitable for areas such as dentistry and jewelry.

Yarn printing - FDM

Wide range of materials
Large print volume
Suitable for areas such as engineering, design, architecture, robotics education and more.

Surface quality before finishing

Industrial SLS - rough

Desktop SLA - Silk

Industrial SLA - Silk with fine stripes

FDM Desktop - Stripes

Industrial FDM - Stripes

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